Our tasks and responsibilities at work and in the home are growing as the pandemic surges. We are running on empty. So why and how can you put exercise at the top of your “todo” list?

Consider that athletes have condensed and more restful sleep, heightened immune systems, and a lower risk of depression.

Ways to motivate:

  1. Taking time out of your day to exercise screams, “I am productive and high achieving.” Clients and co-workers will admire your mental strength and self regulation. Feel free to leave your office for a lunch run without feeling guilty!
  2. Make sure your office space is adaptable to stretching and changing into workout gear at a moments notice. I always keep spare running and stretching clothes in a bin tucked under a shelf. I am much more likely to workout when I feel like I am sneaking it in. The exercise feels like a treat rather than a task.
  3. To maximize your chances of exercising mid-day, eat a late morning breakfast or snack. Also time your coffee so that your energy boost comes when you plan to exercise. If you are starving at lunch and your energy is crashing, you will be more interested in eating versus exercising. Bring a packed meal so that you can get back to work right after your workout and eat at your next break.
  4. Trust that your sore neck, stiff back, and headache will likely improve once you start moving blood through your tissues.
  5. Get in the mindset:
    – Remember that 15-20 mins is better than nothing,
    – Use the stairs and park far from the front door,
    – Drink plenty of water and use bathroom breaks as a time to stretch,
    – Sit on a stool or balance ball at your desk to engage your core,
    – When you get a call put in ear pods and stand up and stretch,
    – Always carry a workout bag in your car,
    – Tell your office mate, friend or spouse of your exercise plan for the day and hold yourself accountable to it!