There is immeasurable value in modeling good eating habits as a family. If you are interested in raising a child who picks healthy options for life, please check out these great tips from Ellyn Satter:…/childrens-eating-a…/…

First, understand how children learn.

Children look, touch, taste, smell, and take food in and out of their mouths.

They watch us eat. If we eat it, and enjoy it, they assume, “someday I will eat that, too.”

Even after your child eats a food, he won’t eat it every time.

He is unlikely to eat some of everything from the meal, but only one or two foods. Let him have seconds and thirds of what he enjoys, even if he ignores the rest.

They find some tastes and textures challenging, such as Brussels sprouts or oysters.

They quickly learn to eat high-fat and/or high-sugar foods. Children do one-trial learning with cookies and French fries.

Be considerate without catering in meal planning.

Pair familiar with unfamiliar, eaten with not-yet eaten. Include the not-yet food(s) 15 or 20 or dozens of times – in as many meals.

Stop counting and enjoy your own food. Your child’s learning could take months or even years.

Take “no thank you” for an answer. No pressure, bribing, cheerleading, enthusing, saying it’s healthy.
