Recommended Pediatric Well Visits and Screening

2024-11-22T14:53:43-08:00November 22nd, 2024|Categories: Prevention|Tags: , , , , , |

Here’s a breakdown of the recommended pediatric well-child visits and screening tests at each stage of development. This layout will walk you through each visit, the developmental checks, and the recommended screenings and immunizations.  Additional screenings

Need a boost? Are you getting the COVID19 vaccine but not sure how to prepare? Here are some useful tips.

2021-05-21T06:01:42-07:00February 12th, 2021|Categories: Prevention, Wellness|

Avoid using Motrin and Tylenol BEFORE the vaccine. Pain often comes the day after the vaccine so try to wait to use the analgesics and antipyretics at that time. Using these medications prior, is hypothesized

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